Monday, December 17, 2007

Hockey Men II: Same song different verse.

Welcome to Hockey match No. 2. Spot the new faces on the block. Who never turn up arh?
As usual as what I've done for the past few hocker's post, this is one picture that never grows out of style for me. Look at Ken Yee and his fake-confident look. Like real only, taha. As always, team started off the 2nd match of the day, just after hall3 vs hall5. Its a do-or-die match between the evergreat hall4 and hall1 at noon time 1200 171207. Not that great a weather it is, but definitely don't hinder our spirits yay.

Sweeping moves, cunning postures, deadly fearsome. You judge.

The winning shot on penalty by our dear Praga. Tell me i spelt his name rightly.
That's right, in the end after a draw game of 0-0, we had a penalty shootout with a total of 3 shots given to each team. The result was hall 4: O X X hall 1: X X X. So you might have read it right, 1-0, hall4 rules.

Yooohooo. Man of the match: Kenyee for saving all 3 penalty shots by hall 1. Well played gentlemen, well played.

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