Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hockey Women II: Spelt

If every shot were to be this beautiful, the world would be perfect. This entry was delayed due to certain unexplainable technical issues. Anyway you don't even who wrote about hockey, hehe.
It was a Monday afternoon on 191207 where our lady hockers were into a 2nd game with Hall7.

Date: 191207
Crime Scene: NIE Hockey Field
Crime committed: too nice a pose

Ready for defense!

The captain of our team, not that I want to demoralize the guys, but she will put the hockey guys into shame. You weren't there, you won't know how fast her ball flies across the field. Kudos to her with all respect. Game ended with nils from both teams. Draws onto a penalty shootout.Deciding who are the better shooters.
Hall 4: X O O
Hall 7: X X X
Final shootout score: 1 - 3
Watch it, you'll know they put their hearts into the game.

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